Data retention policy
EverAfter will retain Customer Data in accordance with its Information Classification Policy.
All EverAfter information is categorized into two main classifications: EverAfter Public and and EverAfter Confidential.
EverAfter Public Information is information that has been declared public knowledge by the information asset owner. This information can be freely given to anyone without any possible damage to EverAfter or its clients.
EverAfter Confidential information contains all other information. It is a continuum, in that it is understood that some information is more sensitive than other information, and should be protected in a more secure manner. Included is information that should be protected very closely, such as Intellectual Property, development programs, potential acquisition targets, and other information integral to the success of our Company. Also included in EverAfter Confidential is information that is less critical, such as general corporate information and personnel information which does not require as stringent a degree of protection.
EverAfter retention Policy: 1 year
Data archiving and removal policy
EverAfter archiving the data for 30 days after which it is deleted permanently
Data storage policy
EverAfter stores, only data necessary to provide our service, on an AWS RDS cluster located in the US.
Data center location(s)
United States
Data hosting details
We host all of our data in AWS RDS in a US region
App/service has sub-processors
Guidelines for sub-processors